Much has been written about the Agile approach. Also, for me it was previously more of such a buzzword. However, since I touch it on a daily basis, I also want to add from myself on the topic.

When someone would ask me what Agile is, I would briefly answer “continuous change.” One of the first things I remembered when I joined INDEVOPS was: ” the only constant thing in life is change”. Once I realized this, nothing was the same anymore. 🤣 Requirements, purpose and expectations are constantly changing. With an agile approach to project execution, we can make modifications to projects to respond to them on an ongoing basis. “Well, there’s something to it,” I thought, “you have to get fond of changes” and get used to the fact that they will be an integral part of my life (actually, they always have been, but this taming somehow didn’t get to me 😉 ).

What does it look like?

When I work in a team on a task there is a lot of interaction all the time. And I’m not just talking about team meetings, but in particular, about notes in Easy Redmine, which makes this interaction quiet and focused (you may remember the screenshots from my post about effective teamwork). There, each of us can type what’s in our souls regarding the implementation of a given topic. Or even that today he feels bad and doesn’t have the head to work 🤣 (cool, we’re human and even my boss writes that 🤣). Interaction makes it possible to make changes, to verify that the changes we or others are making are going in the right direction, that the way, the effect and the approximation to the completion of the work is right.

Agile, of course, has other aspects that are important to me: self-realization, self-organization and self-discipline. Although I don’t know if it’s the Agile aspects or the very nature of working at Indevops. It is still surprising to me that I can do something on my own. That doesn’t mean I’m left to my own devices, what’s not, because there is interaction after all 🙂 I like the fact that I have a say in deciding the path I take in my task. And in addition, I can always ask my colleagues and peers for help and never hear the word no.

This is also what I equate Agile with, with collaboration. It gives me a great sense of support and belonging to our small community. It’s nice that each of us can express our opinions without fear of being judged, receiving constructive feedback. And, importantly, without pointing fingers, just so I could find the right way myself, however.

I have never had such a sense of empowerment in any place so far. Even if I have to abandon the path I’ve been walking, I can change the route and find the right path, into which I set off with courage. What matters in all of this is a pleasant path, which is friendlier when I know that change is nothing scary, because it can be mastered. And with the right support, all my roads in effect lead to a sprint 😊.