Are you committed to your work?

Do you enjoy it, or is it just a chore that gives you money to live on?
Do you think at all about what your work means to you?

I think about it often, and I always engage in what I believe in. When I started INDEVOPS, I wasn’t entirely convinced that the IT world would actually turn out to be my second home. I went into my responsibilities with uncertainty, as if I were taking my first step.

Indecops automatyzacja i monitoring systemów i infrastruktury IT

After almost a year, I find that my fears were just a figment of my imagination and had nothing to do with what I am experiencing now.

The #culture and #mission of Indevops, with which we go to clients, is definitely my fable.
Indevops, are competent, reliable people who are committed and passionate about the smallest detail of the products they create. They are people I trust because they give me the space to show what we do my way. The way I feel and see it.

Projects and implementations: #monitoring, #orchestration or others we work on are very complex and require highly specialized knowledge in many areas of broad IT. They require many hours of meticulous work, attentiveness, documentation creation and continuous testing. Often going back to the beginning and coding, writing or programming again. They require attention to relationships and listening to what our audience needs. Along the way, we encounter various obstacles that only through commitment and belief in shared success we can overcome.

👌 Think about what I wrote in the context of your work and share with us.
👌 What’s your story?

Let me tell you a company secret. 😉 My #CEO Pawel Orzechowski gets upset with me most often for two reasons:
😉 because I’m constantly thinking about food,
😉 because my cat shows up on our #daily.